Friday, October 29, 2010

tired tired tired with a capital t!!!!

i feel like i've been racing all around the joint today!! it's coming together but the pieces feel a little like they're wizzing around my head! it's not such a big town and i ran into people left right and centre today. 'miss fancypants' was on her lovely dutch bicycle on darby street and kept me company while i put up posters. coffee at one 'penny black' where i saw miss marni from 'renew newcastle' impeccable as ever. i visited a new stallholder in her fancy terrace on the hill and managed to stop for a sec and look down upon the harbour..... i really do love the harbour and think i have to take a breath and walk out along the breakwall this weekend and take in the salt air. it's funny how much good will there is about red lantern, and how community events like this, do give people the opportunity to try on a new hat. connections are made and sometimes you have no idea just where you might end up... but i'm starting to get cryptic and perhaps it's time to call it a night. before i do another stallholder... drum roll!!! the love zoe tjanavaras from oscar & matilda. zoe makes gorgeous resin jewellery some of which look good enough to eat. she is another one of the many talented woman in newcastle who really do astound me with the amazing creativity they harness and how it is often across many different disciplines. zoe is one of those women so come and see what she can do.....


  1. Absolutely lovely necklace. Miss Zoe is truly talented. Well done on the blog lovie!!

  2. Thanks Di. It's a weird old world blogging!!!! Justinex
